Art Basel OVR:2021
Cornelius Annor
February 9 – 12, 2022
Venus Over Manhattan is pleased to present recent works by Cornelius Annor, a Ghanian painter living and working in Accra. The presentation follows "Lost But Found," Annor's debut solo exhibition in New York, at Venus Over Manhattan.
Cornelius Annor paints portraits and figurative works that picture moments of community and intimacy, set in domestic spaces. Annor’s subjects stem from memory and personal history in Ghana. The artist has a longstanding fascination with the human face, and his works show a focused attention to the expressiveness of various faces and figures. Annor’s paintings are typically set on fabric, adding to the intimacy and evocativeness of the portraits. The backgrounds of the works often integrate Ghanaian textile patterns, establishing an atmosphere of layered memories, emotions, and experiences.
For information about the presentation and availability, please contact the gallery at info@venusovermanhattan.com
Discover artists who incorporate plants, traditional textiles, and memes into their practice