OVR: Miami Beach
December 2-7, 2020
Venus Over Manhattan
120 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065
For the inaugural edition of the OVR: Miami Beach, Venus Over Manhattan features a presentation of the gallery’s core program, comprising important works by represented artists and estates, including Roger Brown, Andrew LaMar Hopkins, Peter Saul, and Joseph Elmer Yoakum, alongside major works by artists included in previous gallery exhibitions. The collection features key works by Maurizio Cattelan, Bjarne Melgaard, Ken Price, David Salle, Andra Ursuta, and Franz West. Highlighting recent institutional support for these artists, including exhibitions and acquisitions at the New Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art, and The Menil, the installation features signature work by each of the gallery’s artist. Offering major, rarely exhibited examples, the presentation demonstrates the gallery’s commitment to artists overlooked by traditional art historical canons.
For further information about the exhibition and availability, please contact the gallery at info@venusovermanhattan.com